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Pocket Woodworking Tools - Motise/Tenon Finder, Sawyers Gauge, French Pocket Curve

  • $4.99
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These pocket tools are the size of a business card so can easily fit in your wallet, pocket or as a keychain! Made of 1/8" Baltic Birch Plywood in Canada.

Mortise/Tennon Finder - Designed to find the perfect size tenon or mortice with standard dovetail jaws on your 4 jaw chuck. Also has dovetail finders to match the dovetail accurately. A great tool for any woodturner!

Sawyer's Gauge - Designed to quickly find the thickness of your lumber or height of your table saw blade/router bit. Steps from 1/16" to 8/4" included. A great tool to bring wood shopping!

French Pocket Curve - Designed to assist with drawing curves when designing a project. The curve becomes progressively smaller radius along the length allowing easy transition from straight to curved lines. A great tool for and woodcarver!